Tag Archives: 360° Panoramas

Low Tide in Edmonds – Beachfront Aerial Photo

On September 8, 2022, Edmonds had a low tide of -1.7 feet. That happens frequently, so it’s nothing too exciting. Except this day we had sunshine and I had my drone up in the air. Lots of people were out enjoying the beach, and it seemed like the perfect time and place for a few photos.

The ferry was at the dock. At these low tides, it is possible to walk under the ferry dock without getting your feet wet (at least not very wet – wear boots).

Below is a 360° panorama. Click your mouse in it and drag it around. Use your scroll wheel to zoom in and out. This is best experienced full screen. To view it full screen, click the square box in the upper right hand corner.

360° Panoramas!

I’ve been playing with 360° photography for several months. For me, this is a fun new way of doing photography.

The simplified explanation of the process is to shoot enough images to capture all directions, then stitch these images together (I’m using a program called PTGui) into a special format. To create the image below, I shot from a drone at 200′, in RAW to capture the wide range of brightness from shadows to sun reflections, then processed the images in Lightroom, sent these processed images to PTGui to generate the panorama, cleaned up the sky a bit in Photoshop (there’s a hole where the drone is – the camera can’t shoot straight up), then generated the final image using PTGui.

Some of my 360° panoramas have been shot with my camera on a tripod, while others have been shot from a drone. I’m still experimenting and learning.

The 360° panorama below was shot from a drone at 200′ above the beach just north of Brackett’s Landing. Click and drag, or use your mouse scroll wheel, to look around. Click on the square in the upper right corner to view this full screen (highly recommended!).